Tuesday, May 5, 2009


The Borbons, who had assumed the crown in the aftermath of the War of Spanish Succession, (1703) had from the outset pursued a policy of administrative and economic modernization pursuant to the latest most scientific, mercantalist French theories (1730). Under the Hapsburgs, the Church had actually been a parallel government and there were utopian elements in the Church that aspired to theocratize society. The Borbons saw the role of the Church as being that of a State prop and used the Inquisition to enforce political conformity and cleanse the Church of her more radical elements (1750-1767). In Mexico, Borbon mercantalism and anti-clericism were resisted by Hapsburgian legitimists. The dirth of neo-classical architecture in Mexico and the prevalence of the demodée Churrigueresque Baroque was one cultural manifestation of this resistance.

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