Wednesday, March 7, 2012


The word epiphany means a manifestation, showing forth or presentation. Because Jesus's Epiphany is usually painted in glowing hues, some semi-literate bird brain in the Sixties concluded that the word meant a "revelation" or mind unboggling eclat. Snap. Crack! Oh Wow! From that dubious jumping-off point the word came to mean a Life-Transforming insight. In typically sociological fashion, American dictionaries have trod after the ignorant and misinformed and have now "ratified" the misuse of a word as its "accepted" meaning. A manifestation is not an insight, period.


120307FN-1: Social Chauvinists

The term ante-dates but foretold the National Socialists. What Lenin understood was that socialism on a national level, even if it truly existed, did not obviate national interests; and, that being the case, would inevitably be subsumed to the dictates of national interest. The term "fascism" became demonized in the Allied world because we went to war with Germany and Japan and our propagandists had to come up with something awful to say about our enemies. But we did not go to war with them over their internal political economy (which we in fact emulated) but over geo-political national interests.
