Churchill's totalist ravings were shocking even to his own government members who seemed more comfortable with the equally murderous but less colourful techno-jargon byTrenchard, Lindeman and Portal. Each of these made masterful use of the conjunction "and" which -- when used to conjoin two entirely different species of a thing, lulls the mind into applying the attributes of the first to the second; as in "military and civilian installations" or "terrorists and criminals."
But no amount of raving could ever equal the actual outrage of what the Allies did to ordinary Germans. They did not just bomb, but they used incendiary and phosphorus bombs, and they waited until the meteorgological conditions would "enhance" the effect. Temperatures reached 1000 degrees and created tornados of fire, which in Hamburg's case reached 3 miles into the air, sucking cows, people, and exploding cars into its incendiary vortex. In places the fire sucked up all the oxygen for three meters above ground causing mass asphyxiation. In other places, particularly in shelters, people were literally fused together. In Hamburg, the police went about shooting people who had taken refuge in fountains or in the ocean because when phosphorus stuck to the skin, it never came off and would begin burning once re-exposed to air. By bombing hospitals and fire-stations and railways, the Allies also intended to make it impossible for the survivors to cope with the effects of the bombing. Needless to say, the victorious allies have always tended to downplay these horrors. But once they are known, the palavering sophistries of Taylor and like ilk are truly disgusting.